Table Content



Part I—The Journey 

  1. Self-evaluation 
  2. Mentoring/Internship 
  3. Career Material (Vita & Letter of application for new administrative position)

 Part II—Competency-based Student Learning and Development Outcomes

      1.  Self-Development Competencies


          a)  Philosophical foundations 

          b)  Ethics, aesthetics, values, and spirituality 

          c)  Human development Theory and career choice 


      2. Interpersonal Development Competencies

          a)  Effective communication

          b)  Appreciating diversity

          c)  Social responsibility

       3.  Leadership and Organizational Development Competencies                                                              

           a)  Resource development: human and financial                                                                                               b)  Legal and policy issues                                                                                                                                 c)   Organizational behavior, development, and culture

        4.  Research Development Competencies


Part III—The Synthesis Paper 

Selected References (Sources)



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