Introduction to my Portfolio
Introduction to my Portfolio
Background and introduction to the portfolio
My journey concerning my Higher Education Administration program started in 2016 (Summer and Fall semesters). The initial plan was to get a PhD from the Adventist Theological Seminary (Andrews University) since I had already earned a DMin from the same Seminary. I thought it would be a simple thing. That’s why, my wife (Lucie Josephine) and I planned for a period of three or four years (at most). How did things happen? It’s another story altogether.
When I arrived on Andrews University campus on May 6, 2016 in order to brush up my English during that summer (because I am French speaking), seek admission at the same time, and then start my program on August 22, 2016 (the beginning date for the Fall 2016 semester), I was told by the Director of the PhD/ThD program that I needed to present the results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Test (the minimum standard being 282 points). So, I went to Mishawaka, IN (the nearest center) for that test in June 2016. When the results came out, I had scored 276 points. I decided not to take the results to the Director of PhD/ThD program but try again in July (because one needed to book for the following test at least 3 weeks in between). When I went in July again, I scored 279.5 points. I decided to go and meet with the PhD/ThD Program Director with this second result and get advice from him. To my great surprise, he told me that I would not be admitted in the PhD program.
As soon as I left the office of the PhD/ThD Director’s office, right in front of his office, I met a MDiv student from my Division (the West-Central Africa Division—WAD) who asked me about my admission. I told him that I had just been denied admission. He then asked: “What about leadership?” I replied, “Where is leadership?” He then took me to the Director of the Leadership Department in the Seminary (Dr. Stanley Patterson) who told me that his Department was delivering only Master’s degrees. However, he promised that he would help me. He picked his phone and called the chairman of the Leadership Department in the School of Education then (Duane Covrig) who promised he would help me out. He said, I should see him at 10 am, on August 18, 2016, and he would give me a positive reply. On the appointed day, I went and met with him, and he decided to put me on a Post-doctoral program while waiting for the GRE Test, which was a way to save my I-20 and student visa (F1 visa). Covrig didn’t know that I had secured another appoint for the GRE on that very day (August 18, 2016, at 1:pm). As soon as I left his office, I went and sat for the test. I scored 286 points, meaning, I had passed the minimum standard (282 points). That is how I found myself in the Leadership Department (strangely enough, as my Lord had told me through my daughter), and my journey started.
Structure of the portfolio
Concerning my portfolio proper, it will be made of 3 main parts, namely: (1) Part I: The journey, (2) Part II: Competency-based student learning and development outcomes, and (3) Part III: The synthesis paper.
Part I: The journey
In this first part concerning the journey, the reader will see an introduction to the portfolio (2-3 pages), followed by a 5-10 page-self-evaluation and reflection paper with inventories from LEAD 630 orientation, a mentoring/internship section, and a career material (completed in LEAD 680).
Part II: Competency-based student learning and development outcomes
The second part of my portfolio will focus on 10 competency-based student learning development outcomes, each having 2-3 page report of growth. The competencies will cover (1) self-development competencies—3 areas, (2) interpersonal development competencies—3 areas, (3) leadership and organizational development competencies—3 areas, and (4) research development competencies, that is: conducting, evaluating, and reporting research.
Part III: Synthesis paper
The third part of this portfolio will cover a 15-20 synthesis paper as directed by the following sic School of Education (SED) core values format (1) Worldview, (2) Human growth and change, (3) Group, Higher Education Administration, and Change, (4) Communication and technology, (5) Research and evaluation, (6) Personal and professional growth.
In French, it is commonly said that, “Dieu sait tracer des lignes droits par des chemins détournés,” meaning that God knows how to draw straight lines using detours. It was my experience when I first arrived at Andrews University to start my PhD program (in the Seminary but I ended up landing the Leadership Department, now, School of Leadership).
However, I must make a confession here that, had I paid attention to what my oldest daughter had told me when I was about to leave home for the US, things could have been a bit different. My daughter looked straight into my eyes (which, in the African culture was strange because that was tant amount to disrespect), and she said: “Dad, you are going to Andrews University, no more second doctoral degree in theology any longer, OK?” I replied that I was a theologian in and out. I would get a PhD in it. She insisted. To cut the discussion short, I told her to call her mother so that we may pray because I didn’t want to leave them for the airport in tension. After prayer, I left for the airport. I didn’t listen thinking that she was speaking out of frustration and anger because I was not reelected as President of the WAD during the 2015 General Conference Session held in San Antonio, TX (USA). I knew I wouldn’t wandered in the wilderness trying to do things her way, wasting resources (energy, money, and time).
It was only when I finally got admitted in the Leadership Department and I passed the GRE the same day that the Lord opened my understanding to realize that He wanted me in that department because the moment I decided to do things His way, everything just fell into place, came together, and started moving fine despite some challenges here and there. I must say that it was a very surprising yet very interesting experience I went through, and I will treasure it and carry it along with me for the rest of my life. More details will be provided and explained in the rest of the portfolio.
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